If you can get no children, this can entail an unbearable feeling of emptiness.
If you are childless, and you want to reduce your psychological distress that is caused by this, then it might be beneficial to ask yourself the following questions:
How many billions of people are already walking around on earth?
And maybe you realize how many of these people are family, or are distant relatives and their genetic relatives.
Did you know how nature is suffering worldwide under the pressure of increasing human overpopulation?
How the biodiversity of life is undermined by the excessive presence of one species: Homo sapiens.
How you can contribute lovingly to the rescue of many plant and animal species, by not reproducing yourself.
How you could spend your energy toward the protection of existing flora and fauna against future extinction.
And how it can help you to fill that unbearable feeling of emptiness with love for nature.
How you can take care, for example, of a needy dog or cat that languishes pathetically in a shelter.
Or how you can adopt a fascinating but indomitable species that is threatened to die out in the wild.
Or how you can sponsor the preservation of a piece of forest or jungle that offers an ecological environment for a great diversity of flora and fauna.
Or how you can keep the oceans liveable, which are rapidly polluted by the waste of billions of people.
How you can help to stop human population in favour of nature, the origin of human life.
How you can invest some of your energy can in restoring the biological balance on Earth.
And how you can become part of a bigger wisdom and let your ideas propagate through creative solutions, so that nature in all its beauty will stay part of the future of humanity.
© STHOPD 2010